How many types of collagen are there? How are each different?

How many types of collagen are there? How are each different?Despite the fact that there are in excess of 16 kinds of normal collagen in the human body, there is an opportunity to deliver less and crumble with age. Furthermore, eating may not get sufficient collagen to address the issues of the body. in light of the huge atoms is retained and utilized less In this manner, collagen as dietary enhancements was created. Which ordinarily comprises of 3 fundamental kinds of collagen with various designs and retention capacities as follows.

1. Collagen Peptide (Collagen Peptide)
A collagen has been handled to abbreviate the collagen line. with the goal that the body can retain better compared to normal collagen However this kind of collagen actually has long peptide bonds and huge particles up to 6,000 Daltons, so the body actually assimilates gradually.

2. Collagen Tripeptide
A collagen comprises of 3 amino acids that are connected together, with a normal particle of 300 Daltons, which is a more modest particle. The body can retain this kind of collagen better at a moderate level.

3. Collagen Dipeptide
This sort of collagen has just 2 amino acids as the fundamental construction, making the typical sub-atomic size of just 200 Daltons, which is viewed as the littlest particle contrasted with tripeptide collagen. also, collagen peptides The body can ingest better. furthermore, can be utilized following eating since it needn’t bother with to be processed in the stomach However will be moved and consumed in the small digestive tract into the circulation system. also, direct to the objective cells like skin cells ligament cells bone cells by any means Subsequently, it is profoundly powerful in skin health management and knee joints.

Furthermore, research has found that Twofold dipeptide collagen can add dampness and flexibility to the skin. Furthermore, there is likewise a guaranteed research that permits a gathering of workers to take a stab at eating collagen dipeptides. It was observed that the recovery effectiveness was plainly better compared to different sorts of collagen. The collagen is retained rapidly and assimilated the best.

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