L-ascorbic acid ought not be taken with anything

L-ascorbic acid ought not be taken with anythingOn the off chance that you need the nutrients you eat to completely decidedly affect the body. Make an effort not to take L-ascorbic acid with any of these nutrients or pills.

  • Vitamin B12 In light of the fact that L-ascorbic acid might associate unfavorably with vitamin B12, it might likewise slow down the retention of vitamin B12, so assuming it is important to take both L-ascorbic acid and vitamin B12 together Ought to be at time frames 3 hours or take every nutrient at various feasts.
  • Diabetes prescription This is on the grounds that the medication might diminish its adequacy with regards to L-ascorbic acid.
  • Prescriptions containing aluminum (Aluminum, for example, gastric coatings, stomach settling agents, drugs for kidney infection patients requiring dialysis Since L-ascorbic acid might expand the retention of aluminum pills. This will make the body get a greater amount of this medication than it ought to be.
  • Chemotherapy, since L-ascorbic acid is a cell reinforcement. Hence, it might decrease the adequacy of medications utilized in chemotherapy.
  • Contraception pills or chemical substitution pills that contain estrogen. Since L-ascorbic acid will help estrogen levels excessively.
  • Protease inhibitors used to treat HIV disease. L-ascorbic acid might diminish the adequacy of these medications.
  • Statin and niacin lipid-bringing down drugs Since L-ascorbic acid might diminish the viability of the prescription.
  • Anticoagulants (warfarin), since L-ascorbic acid might keep the medication from functioning as well as it ought to.

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