Water Drench Hyaluronic Liquid Gel Cloud Serum – Super Size

96% agreed their skin felt more hydrated. 96% agreed their skin appeared to have a youthful look. 96% agreed this product helped to smooth out the look of fine lines.

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Drench your skin with a liquid cloud of lightweight moisture for a silky soft, matte finish. Clear liquid gel serum has a 75% complex of Hyaluronic Acid, a potent hydrator that draws in water. Helps plump the look of skin with moisture. Provides an invisible silk veil of hydration with Sodium PCA and Silk Proteins. Helps reduce the look of fine lines and rough texture to leave skin appearing smoother and more youthful. Fragrance-free.

In a 4-week consumer perception study on 25 women ranging in age from 35 to 65:

  • 96% agreed their skin felt more hydrated
  • 96% agreed their skin appeared to have a youthful look
  • 96% agreed this product helped to smooth out the look of fine lines

Additional information


– 75% Hyaluronic Acid Complex
– Silk Proteins
– Sodium PCA

In meteorology, a cloud is an aerosol consisting of a visible mass of miniature liquid droplets, frozen crystals, or other particles, suspended in the atmosphere of a planetary body or similar space. Water or various other chemicals may compose the droplets and crystals. On Earth, clouds are formed as a result of saturation of the air when it is cooled to its dew point, or when it gains sufficient moisture (usually in the form of water vapor) from an adjacent source to raise the dew point to the ambient temperature.

Clouds are seen in the Earth's homosphere, which includes the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. Nephology is the science of clouds, which is undertaken in the cloud physics branch of meteorology. The World Meteorological Organization uses two methods of naming clouds in their respective layers of the homosphere, Latin and common name.

Genus types in the troposphere, the atmospheric layer closest to Earth's surface, have Latin names because of the universal adoption of Luke Howard's nomenclature that was formally proposed in 1802. It became the basis of a modern international system that divides clouds into five physical forms which can be further divided or classified into altitude levels to derive ten basic genera. The five main forms are stratiform sheets or veils, cumuliform heaps , stratocumuliform bands, rolls, or ripples, cumulonimbiform towers often with fibrous tops, and cirriform wisps or patches . Low-level clouds do not have any altitude-related prefixes. However mid-level stratiform and stratocumuliform types are given the prefix alto- while high-level variants of these same two forms carry the prefix cirro-. In the case of stratocumuliform clouds, the prefix strato- is applied to the low-level genus type but is dropped from the mid- and high-level variants to avoid double-prefixing with alto- and cirro-. Genus types with sufficient vertical extent to occupy more than one level do not carry any altitude-related prefixes. They are classified formally as low- or mid-level depending on the altitude at which each initially forms, and are also more informally characterized as multi-level or vertical. Most of the ten genera derived by this method of classification can be subdivided into species and further subdivided into varieties. Very low stratiform clouds that extend down to the Earth's surface are given the common names fog and mist but have no Latin names.

In the stratosphere and mesosphere, clouds also have common names for their main types. They may have the appearance of veils or sheets, wisps, or bands or ripples, but not heaps or towers as in the troposphere. They are seen infrequently, mostly in the polar regions of Earth. Clouds have been observed in the atmospheres of other planets and moons in the Solar System and beyond. However, due to their different temperature characteristics, they are often composed of other substances such as methane, ammonia, and sulfuric acid, as well as water.

Tropospheric clouds can have a direct effect on climate change on Earth. They may reflect incoming rays from the Sun which can contribute to a cooling effect where and when these clouds occur, or trap longer wave radiation that reflects up from the Earth's surface which can cause a warming effect. The altitude, form, and thickness of the clouds are the main factors that affect the local heating or cooling of the Earth and the atmosphere. Clouds that form above the troposphere are too scarce and too thin to have any influence on climate change. Clouds are the main uncertainty in climate sensitivity.

Drench may also refer to:

  • Steven Drench (born 1985), English footballer
  • Drench, any anthelmintic drug used in deworming
  • "Drench", a song from the 2002 album In Our Gun by Gomez
  • "Drench", a song from the 2014 eponymous album Casualties of Cool

A gel is a semi-solid that can have properties ranging from soft and weak to hard and tough. Gels are defined as a substantially dilute cross-linked system, which exhibits no flow when in the steady state, although the liquid phase may still diffuse through this system.

Gels are mostly liquid by mass, yet they behave like solids because of a three-dimensional cross-linked network within the liquid. It is the cross-linking within the fluid that gives a gel its structure (hardness) and contributes to the adhesive stick (tack). In this way, gels are a dispersion of molecules of a liquid within a solid medium. The word gel was coined by 19th-century Scottish chemist Thomas Graham by clipping from gelatine.

The process of forming a gel is called gelation.

A liquid is a nearly incompressible fluid that conforms to the shape of its container but retains a nearly constant volume independent of pressure. It is one of the four fundamental states of matter (the others being solid, gas, and plasma), and is the only state with a definite volume but no fixed shape.

The density of a liquid is usually close to that of a solid, and much higher than that of a gas. Therefore, liquid and solid are both termed condensed matter. On the other hand, as liquids and gases share the ability to flow, they are both called fluids.

A liquid is made up of tiny vibrating particles of matter, such as atoms, held together by intermolecular bonds. Like a gas, a liquid is able to flow and take the shape of a container. Unlike a gas, a liquid maintains a fairly constant density and does not disperse to fill every space of a container.

Although liquid water is abundant on Earth, this state of matter is actually the least common in the known universe, because liquids require a relatively narrow temperature/pressure range to exist. Most known matter in the universe is either gas (as interstellar clouds) or plasma (as stars).

Size in general is the magnitude or dimensions of a thing. More specifically, geometrical size (or spatial size) can refer to three geometrical measures: length, area, or volume. Length can be generalized to other linear dimensions (width, height, diameter, perimeter). Size can also be measured in terms of mass, especially when assuming a density range.

In mathematical terms, "size is a concept abstracted from the process of measuring by comparing a longer to a shorter". Size is determined by the process of comparing or measuring objects, which results in the determination of the magnitude of a quantity, such as length or mass, relative to a unit of measurement. Such a magnitude is usually expressed as a numerical value of units on a previously established spatial scale, such as meters or inches.

The sizes with which humans tend to be most familiar are body dimensions (measures of anthropometry), which include measures such as human height and human body weight. These measures can, in the aggregate, allow the generation of commercially useful distributions of products that accommodate expected body sizes, as with the creation of clothing sizes and shoe sizes, and with the standardization of door frame dimensions, ceiling heights, and bed sizes. The human experience of size can lead to a psychological tendency towards size bias, wherein the relative importance or perceived complexity of organisms and other objects is judged based on their size relative to humans, and particularly whether this size makes them easy to observe without aid.

Water is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula H2O. It is a transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance. It is the main constituent of Earth's hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms (in which it acts as a solvent). It is vital for all known forms of life, despite not providing food energy or organic micronutrients. Its chemical formula, H2O, indicates that each of its molecules contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms, connected by covalent bonds. The hydrogen atoms are attached to the oxygen atom at an angle of 104.45°. In liquid form, H2O is also called "water" at standard temperature and pressure.

Because Earth's environment is relatively close to water's triple point, water exists on Earth as a solid, a liquid, and a gas. It forms precipitation in the form of rain and aerosols in the form of fog. Clouds consist of suspended droplets of water and ice, its solid state. When finely divided, crystalline ice may precipitate in the form of snow. The gaseous state of water is steam or water vapor.

Water covers about 71% of the Earth's surface, with seas and oceans making up most of the water volume (about 96.5%). Small portions of water occur as groundwater (1.7%), in the glaciers and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland (1.7%), and in the air as vapor, clouds (consisting of ice and liquid water suspended in air), and precipitation (0.001%). Water moves continually through the water cycle of evaporation, transpiration (evapotranspiration), condensation, precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea.

Water plays an important role in the world economy. Approximately 70% of the fresh water used by humans goes to agriculture. Fishing in salt and fresh water bodies has been, and continues to be, a major source of food for many parts of the world, providing 6.5% of global protein. Much of the long-distance trade of commodities (such as oil, natural gas, and manufactured products) is transported by boats through seas, rivers, lakes, and canals. Large quantities of water, ice, and steam are used for cooling and heating in industry and homes. Water is an excellent solvent for a wide variety of substances, both mineral and organic; as such, it is widely used in industrial processes and in cooking and washing. Water, ice, and snow are also central to many sports and other forms of entertainment, such as swimming, pleasure boating, boat racing, surfing, sport fishing, diving, ice skating, snowboarding, and skiing.

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7 Reviews For This Product

  1. 07

    by Lisa

    Anything from the water drainage line is a must have in your skin care routine

  2. 07

    by Jasmine

    Amazing!! I am obsessed with PTR products! They have helped my skin breath again and has given me so much confidence!

  3. 07

    by Kathy

    This is a light serum that glides on smoothly. I can’t decide if I like this product better or the Water Drench Moisturizer – both provide a softness and a little plump to my skin. I had an issue with the delivery and the customer service for Peter Thomas Roth was wonderful! They resolved my issue completely, I will definitely be purchasing more products from them!

  4. 07

    by Woa

    Super hydrating. Not heavy or greasy. Evens my skin tone and minimizes fine lines. Love this product!

  5. 07

    by Angel

    I use it day and night! I love it! It goes on smooth and absorbs nicely into my skin.

  6. 07

    by Oksana

    I love this product. I feel my skin more fuller and hydrated. My objective to have visible result for wrinkles, firmness, fullness.

  7. 07

    by Carter

    I love this product, so the fact there was a super size available, I had to get it. Ive been using this product for 8 or 9 years now when it used to be called viz1000. Love! I even use it with my professional airbrush system. it is just the best.

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